By Jerry Ford on Thursday, 20 October 2016
Category: Adult life

Working at Comprenew - Computers for parents program

I started at Comprenew, an electronic and data security non-profit in September 2013 doing sales. I was responsible for contacting people, companies, organizations, to solicit their old electronic devices for recycling. About 2 years into the position, my job began to change to more community outreach. One of the outreach programs involved Computers-for-Parents. I developed a way of teaching people who are/were technologically illiterate how to use a computer. In the first year of the program, I was involved directly teaching two classes (a total of about 15 people) how to assemble and start a desktop computer, and then guided them through the process of learning how to use the computer. Classes went for 5 weeks, twice/week, 90 minutes per session, for a total of 15 hours of computer training. I also worked with trainers from Parent University in Grand Rapids to help them teach people how to use computers. In the first year of the program (beginning fall 2015 through summer 2016), we had 133 people go through the program and purchase computers for the first time, take them home, and begin using the computers. It has been a very rewarding experience.

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